Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reflection #5 - Drama Part Two

What: This week in class, we used children's literature to incorporate drama games and activities into a lesson plan. We all got to participate in the activities that each group prepared and presented to the class.
So What: I found it really interesting and surprising that all of the groups were able to come up with so many fun and original ideas. Each group found a way to get the listeners engaged and involved in the content of their story. I especially enjoyed the group presentation where a historical storybook was used. I think using drama games is a great way to help students understand and even enjoy history, mostly because I think it is one of the more difficult subjects for elementary students. It was really fun for me to see how each of the games could work at different grade levels as well. Many of the activities gave the listener free reign to use their imagination and I think this is something that can really help children to develop a better understanding of a subject.
Now What: I really enjoy doing these sorts of class presentation. I feel that by doing lesson plans on drama, I am able to examine how it can help and entertain students. I think these factors make it so I will be more likely to use drama games in my own classroom. I really appreciate having all the examples on the class website available to me. I think having those ideas available will also make me more likely to use drama with my own students one day. I'm really excited to see how the other sections of creative arts will be similar to this one and to see if I will enjoy them equally.

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