Monday, October 25, 2010

Music, Part One

What: This week in class, we learned about incorporating music in the core curriculum. Using this artistic form, we sang several songs and examined children's literature that can be used with music. We also discussed the benefits of music in the classroom.
So What: I have always been an advocate of music and I love using it with young children. It can make any subject exciting and entertaining. I really enjoyed using the instruments during the children's songs because I can see how that is something students would love to do. I have also enjoyed looking for literature that can be used with music. I think it could be really helpful to use music as a way to get kids interested in more difficult subjects like math and science. Using music is a great way to help students understand and retain information.
Now What: I know I will definitely use music in my own classroom because of the immense benefits it provides. I love the idea of using it as a classroom management technique as well. It's a great way to get students to settle down and focus on the next subject. It is also an awesome way to incorporate memorization. I know that by finding ways to integrate music into my lesson plans, I can become a successful teacher.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reflection #7 - Dance Part Two

What: This week in class, we participated in the group presentations using children's literature. We learned about folk dance and how to use it in the classroom as well. We also watched a video that focused on the benefits of using dance in the classroom.
So What: I have really enjoyed learning about the benefits of dance for students. I think it's a great way for kids to get up and moving around instead of sitting in a desk all day. The group presentations were really fun and something I think students would really enjoy doing. I really liked how many of them were Fall/Halloween themed. There are really some great ways that you can incorporate holidays into dance for kids. I think using dance in the classroom could be a great way to let out energy and help the students to refocus.
Now What: I love learning about new ways to use creative arts at elementary age. I think the arts are not valued as highly as they should be in elementary schools and so I love learning about ways to integrate them into core subjects. I have really enjoyed seeing all the different ideas and ways that the groups have been able to use to work together. It really inspires me to want to use the arts in my own classroom and makes me believe that I will be able to do it in a fun, effective way.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Reflection #6 - Dance Part One

What: This week in class we learned about how to use dance as a form of art for children. We used literature and incorporated dance into the literature to help children connect with the text. It was such an awesome experience and I look forward to using it in my own classroom one day.
So What: I never really thought of dance as being a learning tool until today's lesson. I loved using the children's books and then pausing to incorporate dance. Where The Wild Things Are is one of my personal favorites and I loved being able to use dance to incorporate myself into the story. I loved using dance to demonstrate emotions as well as items in nature. Working in groups seems to work great with the arts, especially dance. I love the way it promotes creativity as well as cooperation.
Now What: As soon as we completed today's lesson, I immediately began thinking of different books I would use in my own classroom with dance. It really allow children to express themselves and be creative in their own way. I think this type of lesson would be great for tactile learners who require movement to learn well. It is also a great way to get kids up and moving around throughout the day as a break from the regular stuff we would be doing everyday. I'm really excited to see what the groups come up with next week for our dance activities.